Bluenose Wanderer
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At the moment this trek is still in the dreaming and planning stages; but then part of the fun is in the anticipation isn't it?

I can now report that the wheels have been ordered and should arrive in early July.

Among other things getting a passport, wading through the mountain of paperwork attendant on retirement, arranging insurance, deciding what to take with me,and where to go are all part of the planning stage.

So far I've purchased a laptop and I'm busy getting it set-up. Still to come is the challenge of acquiring a cell phone of some kind--an adventure for one who has always said that being out of contact once I left the office was one of the perks of the job.


Hall's Harbour at Low Tide on the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. Taken from a trip a few years ago.

In the Fall of 2008 I'll be wandering around my home province with a view to playing tourist. Visiting my Aunt Muriel who's in her late 80ies, getting back in touch with my roots, and touching base with my sister and brother-in-law.


After a shake-down trip around Ontario I want to go out east to the Maritimes. Aside from visiting relatives I want to spend a bit of time parked on my own property there and become re-acquainted with the LaHave River.

When the leaves start turning I want to start heading south through the New England States. I'd like to spend some time in one of the coastal barrier islands and recently checked out Fire Island off New York City and while its mixed reputation doesn't bother me the costs and the thought of having to abandon my home on wheels in a parking lot in that neighbourhood does. Cape Cod may be a better choice though camping near an Air Force Base doesn't appeal. Since the Kennedy's aren't likely to welcome me to Martha's Vineyard I believe the Providence area will probably do.

In late fall I'd like to spend some time with friends in Florida.

From there I'd like to head west into Texas and after reading the Austin City Chronicle for over a year I have an interest is seeing the place for myself. It seems a good place to spend some time on Lake Travis.

From there I'd like to head into New Mexico and Arizona ending up in Salt Lake City. There's a certain Pipe Organ I'd like to hear on-site.

Next I'd like to head out to California and meander up the Coastal Highway wending my way eventually back to the Canadian Border and Vancouver.

After a trip through the Rockies I have an acquaintance in Merritt to look up and friends in the Calgary area to revisit.

From there I'd like to see the Peace River Country. Recently I`ve been exploring the possibility of making the trip from Northern Alberta North of 60 to Yellowknife. Before I decide to actually make that trip I`ll need to learn a great deal more about road conditions and fuel prices. From Northern Alberta Id like to take a northern route East through Athabasca, Prince Albert, and The Pas ending in a trip down the west side of Lake Winnipeg to the Peg.

Dropping south of the border I'd like to visit South Dakota and see the monument to Chief Crazy Horse. For those who aren't in the know Native Americans with the support of private money are carving an entire mountain in the likeness of the Chief mounted on his horse.

Rounding out the first year would be a trip to Lake Wobegone or at least a visit to Minneapolis/St Paul and A Prairie Home Companion. Heading East below the lakes a visit to the Finger Lakes should be a perfect windup.

If a travel agent or charter company helped with our trip, we might include the name and address or a web site link here. We might also use this space to acknowledge anyone who gave especially good service or advice while we were planning our trip.